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Organizational Culture

A Guide to Inclusive Transformation

Transform the culture of your organization and support a diverse workforce by engaging employees with community and interest-driven initiatives.
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EAN: 9781398614994
Edition: 1
Format: 234 x 156
216 pages

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About the book

Discover how to transform company culture by embracing the interconnectedness of business and social interests to promote an inclusive workplace.

Organizational Culture
offers a comprehensive roadmap for transforming company culture. Using a strategic framework for navigating change, this essential guide provides business leaders and change catalysts with a holistic strategy for building a dynamic and inclusive culture. It highlights the importance of leveraging psychological principles, interpersonal dynamics, employee interest-driven initiatives and cooperative leadership to create lasting change.

Featuring case studies for practical insight into how to cultivate trust and employee engagement, Organizational Culture highlights how these steps can help align Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives to support culture transformation. The resulting resource breaks down the best ways organizations can start engaging in inclusive culture change.

About the authors

Marie Carasco, Ph.D. is an HR executive and culture transformation strategist. She is VP of Organization Development, Culture and Diversity at GitHub, a Microsoft company and a faculty member in New York University's Human Capital Management portfolio of graduate and executive programs. She is also the Founder and Chief Social Scientist of Talent en Floré LLC, an executive coaching and organization change consulting practice based in New York, USA.

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